March 16, 2021

tabulizer Rocks

Voter Turnout in Oregon

Oregon’s voter turnout data is published by the Oregon Secretary of State’s office. You can find a direct link to the .pdf here. How hard is to recover a .pdf table? Let’s see. I am going to work with tabulizer.


The key function for this will be extract_tables; with knowledge of that let’s see if it just automagically works.

location <- ''
out <- extract_tables(location)
head(out) %>% kable() %>% scroll_box(height="300px")
Year Total Registered Voters Total Votes Cast % of Turnout
2020 2,951,428 2,317,965 78.50%
2018 2,763,105 1,873,891 67.80%
2016 2,553,808 2,051,452 80.33%
2014 2,174,763 1,541,782 70.90%
2012 2,199,360 1,820,507 82.80%
2010 2,068,798 1,487,210 71.89%
2008 2,153,914 1,845,251 85.67%
2006 1,976,669 1,399,650 70.81%
2004 2,141,249 1,851,671 86.48%
2002 1,872,615 1,293,756 69.09%
2000 1,954,006 1,559,215 79.80%
1998 1,965,981 1,160,400 59.02%
1996 1,962,155 1,399,180 71.31%
1994 1,832,774 1,254,265 68.44%
1992 1,775,416 1,462,314 82.36%
1990 1,476,500 1,133,125 76.74%
1988 1,528,478 1,235,199 80.81%
1986 1,502,244 1,088,140 72.43%
1984 1,608,693 1,265,824 78.69%
1982 1,516,589 1,063,913 70.15%
1980 1,569,222 1,209,691 77.09%
1978 1,482,339 937,423 63.20%
1976 1,420,146 1,048,561 73.83%
1974 1,143,073 792,557 69.34%
1972 1,197,676 953,376 79.60%
1970 955,459 671,878 70.32%
1968 971,851 824,562 84.84%
1966 949,825 693,796 73.04%
1964 932,461 791,245 84.86%
1962 883,690 644,772 72.96%
1960 900,627 779,159 86.51%

So far so good. Now a bit of wrangling in two steps. First, I need to get rid of the first row. Second, I need to get rid of the percent signs and commas.

Cleaned <- out %>% data.frame() %>% 
  filter(X1!="Year") %>% 
  transmute(year = as.numeric(X1), 
            RegVoters = as.numeric(str_remove_all(X2, ",")), 
            Votes = as.numeric(str_remove_all(X3, ",")), 
            Vote.Percent = as.numeric(str_remove(X4, "%")))
Cleaned %>% head() %>% kable() %>% scroll_box(height="300px")
year RegVoters Votes Vote.Percent
2020 2951428 2317965 78.50
2018 2763105 1873891 67.80
2016 2553808 2051452 80.33
2014 2174763 1541782 70.90
2012 2199360 1820507 82.80
2010 2068798 1487210 71.89

One more relevant feature is that midterms and presidential years are a bit different so let me denote this with an indicator. The method I will use is does the integer division of year minus 1960 divided by four have no remainder [TRUE] or have a remainder [FALSE].

library(fpp3); library(magrittr); library(hrbrthemes)
Cleaned %<>% mutate(President = as.factor(((year - 1960) %% 4) == 0))

Now I have exactly the dataset that I want. What does the plot look like?

Cleaned %>% ggplot(.) + aes(x=year, y=Vote.Percent, color=President, group=President) + geom_point() + geom_line() + scale_color_ipsum() + labs(title="Voter Turnout in Oregon since 1960", x="Year", y="Turnout (%)", color="Presidential Election?") + theme_ipsum_rc()