April 20, 2022

Mapping Voters

The Data

Robert Husseman @RHusseman on Twitter is running to represent Oregon District 21 in the Oregon House of Representatives. He has a platform that focuses on housing and livability in the state by making sensible allocations of public resources to public problems. He has an MBA; he was my student and his head and heart are very much in the right place to serve Oregon well.

His campaign has a voter list for the Democratic voters in Oregon 21. He shared access to this. Let me load them up from a saved Excel spreadsheet derived from a Google sheet.


I ran across a package called tidygeocoder to do the heavy lifting. Here is what I have to work with.

##  [1] "VOTER_ID"          "FIRST_NAME"        "MIDDLE_NAME"      
##  [4] "LAST_NAME"         "NAME_SUFFIX"       "BIRTH_DATE"       
##  [7] "CONFIDENTIAL"      "EFF_REGN_DATE"     "STATUS"           
## [10] "PARTY_CODE"        "PHONE_NUM"         "UNLISTED"         
## [13] "COUNTY"            "RES_ADDRESS_1"     "RES_ADDRESS_2"    
## [16] "HOUSE_NUM"         "HOUSE_SUFFIX"      "PRE_DIRECTION"    
## [19] "STREET_NAME"       "STREET_TYPE"       "POST_DIRECTION"   
## [22] "UNIT_TYPE"         "UNIT_NUM"          "ADDR_NON_STD"     
## [25] "CITY"              "STATE"             "ZIP_CODE"         
## [28] "ZIP_PLUS_FOUR"     "EFF_ADDRESS_1"     "EFF_ADDRESS_2"    
## [31] "EFF_ADDRESS_3"     "EFF_ADDRESS_4"     "EFF_CITY"         
## [34] "EFF_STATE"         "EFF_ZIP_CODE"      "EFF_ZIP_PLUS_FOUR"
## [37] "ABSENTEE_TYPE"     "PRECINCT_NAME"     "PRECINCT"         
## [40] "SPLIT"

A Great Thing about R

There is a vignette explaining the usage.

My use case is pretty easy though there is a lot of data. I want to try this with just the addresses. I have loaded the tidyverse and now I want to peel off just the data that I need in order to geocode it, and then process it with the Census geocoder. This results in 9443 queries.

GeoMe <- RHCamp %>% select(VOTER_ID, RES_ADDRESS_1, CITY, STATE) %>% geocode(street = RES_ADDRESS_1, city=CITY, state=STATE, method="census")
NewData <- GeoMe %>% left_join(., RHCamp)
save(NewData, file="~/Desktop/NewDataRH.RData")

This takes quite a long time to run – 667.1 seconds.

When it is complete, I will want to figure out how to map them in a way that is best fit for assisting a campaign. This seems like a good use for leaflet. Rather than taking 10 minutes or so to compile each time, I saved them off. I am loading them from a local file in the first line.

Leaflet Mapping


The leaflet package uses very powerful mapping tools that will be perfect for this use case because the maps have easy zoom features.

NewData %>% mutate(labMy = paste0(FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,RES_ADDRESS_1,sep="\n")) %>%
  leaflet(data = .) %>% 
  addTiles() %>%
  addCircleMarkers(~long, ~lat, label = ~labMy, fillOpacity = 0.1, stroke=FALSE, radius=1.6)
## Warning in validateCoords(lng, lat, funcName): Data contains 641 rows with
## either missing or invalid lat/lon values and will be ignored

That works but it isn’t quite right. Turns out that I will have to mess with html to get the labels quite right.

So, of course, I went to stackoverflow.

Building Better Labels

I found a post on how to do this.

The key piece of code seems to be:

labs <- lapply(seq(nrow(NewData)), function(i) {
  paste0( '<p>', NewData[i,"RES_ADDRESS_1"],'</p>' )
NewData %>%
  leaflet(data = .) %>% 
  addTiles() %>%
  addCircleMarkers(~long, ~lat, label = lapply(labs, htmltools::HTML), fillOpacity = 0.15, stroke=FALSE, radius=1.6)
## Warning in validateCoords(lng, lat, funcName): Data contains 641 rows with
## either missing or invalid lat/lon values and will be ignored