March 19, 2022

Inflation Expectations

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York provides interesting data on inflation expectations. I was first interested in this because it appears as though the survey respondents have consistently overestimated inflation expectations over the last few years. But now, in a time of heightened concern about inflation, it is worthwhile to revisit the data.

library(lubridate); library(tsibble)
library(readxl); library(magrittr)
url <- ""
destfile <- "frbny_sce_data.xlsx"
curl::curl_download(url, destfile)
Inflation.Expectations <- read_excel(destfile, sheet=4, skip=3) 
Inflation.Expectations %>% 
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px")
…1 Median one-year ahead expected inflation rate Median three-year ahead expected inflation rate 25th Percentile one-year ahead expected inflation rate 25th Percentile three-year ahead expected inflation rate 75th Percentile one-year ahead expected inflation rate 75th Percentile three-year ahead expected inflation rate Median point prediction one-year ahead inflation rate Median point prediction three-year ahead inflation rate
201306 3.090884 3.416846 1.9766899 1.9509043 5.944291 6.000000 4.569018 4.735714
201307 3.162522 3.310545 1.6002527 1.5759639 6.000000 6.330960 4.682268 4.893152
201308 3.395071 3.799491 2.0000000 1.6044991 7.192735 7.192735 4.800452 5.040974
201309 3.367290 3.546918 1.9176887 1.7006738 6.874382 7.027530 4.754334 4.878838
201310 3.174733 3.196597 1.6670417 1.6044991 6.414917 6.558024 4.619435 4.875060
201311 3.196597 3.314703 1.6856116 1.7418048 6.232919 6.754294 4.087263 4.684939
201312 3.137840 3.299735 1.6044991 1.5653559 6.026756 6.357209 4.518580 4.648178
201401 3.000000 3.046670 1.4001945 1.2561138 6.061110 6.025575 4.123138 4.110649
201402 3.090884 3.177027 1.7688211 1.5469180 6.000000 6.035755 4.131488 4.079364
201403 3.196597 3.377147 1.5469180 1.5469180 6.097920 6.223626 4.521639 4.651865
201404 3.303940 3.204834 1.7923245 1.6874917 6.303314 6.235626 4.473255 4.317511
201405 3.171748 3.196597 1.6044991 1.5469180 6.000000 6.486081 4.342987 4.525708
201406 3.204563 3.297345 1.7576319 1.5000967 6.000000 6.414917 4.752476 4.599026
201407 3.111111 3.218860 1.6995459 1.6775503 6.366208 6.510431 4.539547 4.516861
201408 3.000000 3.085294 1.5752116 1.6321160 6.000000 6.000000 4.039658 4.273867
201409 3.000000 3.015459 1.5734774 1.4624749 6.000000 6.339693 3.873158 4.153529
201410 3.000000 3.015459 1.4624749 1.3130764 6.000000 6.000000 3.458891 3.997284
201411 3.015459 3.034222 1.4624749 1.3726228 6.000000 6.000000 3.608507 4.091155
201412 2.980844 3.000000 1.0000000 1.1738002 5.650182 5.869063 3.084015 4.022125
201501 2.926264 3.000000 1.1019423 1.2069269 5.423985 5.985323 3.315294 4.147226
201502 2.830265 3.000000 1.1975554 1.1976033 5.162554 5.904663 3.180199 4.131799
201503 2.875452 2.915113 1.0760911 1.0156784 4.950111 5.487096 3.120108 3.616236
201504 2.733259 2.980844 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.997518 5.643198 3.157371 3.888054
201505 2.955763 2.980844 1.2880070 1.2215939 4.906164 5.337633 3.257119 3.802553
201506 3.000000 3.000000 1.4025799 1.2880070 5.760430 5.593090 3.469145 3.786062
201507 2.955357 2.955680 1.2880070 1.1221224 5.734184 5.570208 3.182219 3.741563
201508 2.793575 2.867507 1.0000000 1.1019423 5.191454 5.530786 3.065382 3.714436
201509 2.734659 2.842578 1.0432696 1.0000000 4.708744 5.423985 3.158668 3.259574
201510 2.823326 2.781905 1.0252963 1.0000000 5.190876 5.165283 3.063085 3.153144
201511 2.554007 2.681402 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.733266 5.045190 3.049218 3.144082
201512 2.537525 2.775065 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.730198 5.075049 3.097423 3.130671
201601 2.417507 2.453082 1.0000000 0.8968862 4.712423 4.590201 2.954850 3.043420
201602 2.711993 2.622853 1.0000000 1.0000000 5.143975 5.054150 3.107146 3.387503
201603 2.530770 2.500490 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.488211 4.708021 3.089970 3.104698
201604 2.613696 2.791493 1.0621943 1.0000000 5.084910 5.487096 3.089232 3.153507
201605 2.622853 2.734135 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.997918 5.240709 3.144871 3.097219
201606 2.537871 2.861800 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.894264 5.309123 3.144044 3.652668
201607 2.521351 2.501432 1.0000000 1.0000000 5.083651 5.272973 3.231861 3.443616
201608 2.793575 2.711993 1.0000000 0.9995852 5.283558 5.559269 3.098649 3.424709
201609 2.495162 2.623311 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.812058 5.242156 3.044933 3.551025
201610 2.588671 2.582562 1.0000000 1.0000000 5.111414 5.501368 3.075901 3.217843
201611 2.537525 2.711993 1.0000000 0.9995852 4.747997 5.337633 3.114850 3.099744
201612 2.812191 2.831908 1.0000000 1.0000000 5.191454 5.576227 3.171784 3.822607
201701 2.980844 2.895548 1.0000000 1.0000000 5.075049 5.552731 3.131943 3.819542
201702 2.961960 2.980844 1.0000000 1.0000000 5.309342 5.640829 3.134774 3.688152
201703 2.736074 2.711993 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.707835 5.423985 3.099358 3.099730
201704 2.793575 2.908013 1.0110189 1.0000000 4.852659 5.600195 3.028089 3.177438
201705 2.588671 2.467132 1.0000000 0.9603176 4.416696 5.084910 3.070494 3.077746
201706 2.538351 2.775065 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.000000 4.830334 2.993377 3.499542
201707 2.537525 2.711993 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.143766 4.912187 3.001880 3.177373
201708 2.490645 2.623311 1.0262393 1.0000000 4.000000 4.636709 2.964123 3.033085
201709 2.537525 2.804799 1.0760593 1.0000000 4.353259 4.955311 3.002994 3.101659
201710 2.613696 2.812191 1.0275226 1.0000000 4.734380 4.906164 3.021131 3.035650
201711 2.606111 2.775065 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.076428 5.123124 3.015359 3.354707
201712 2.824348 2.894165 1.0139530 1.0489619 4.812058 5.423985 3.090315 3.383863
201801 2.711993 2.793575 1.2215939 1.0000000 4.611607 4.955596 3.042407 3.354264
201802 2.831908 2.884280 1.2880070 1.0760911 4.000004 4.753406 3.019136 3.139175
201803 2.752288 2.908013 1.2612020 1.0000000 4.000000 4.732663 3.064530 3.133537
201804 2.980844 2.969947 1.3182645 1.0141683 4.752013 5.075049 3.055087 3.526599
201805 2.980844 2.961960 1.2880070 1.0000000 5.272973 5.075049 3.065584 3.610773
201806 2.980844 3.000000 1.2879126 1.0968928 5.195765 5.433788 3.061135 3.801067
201807 2.982717 2.883912 1.1878090 1.0497167 4.917837 5.207691 3.094729 3.711997
201808 3.000000 3.000000 1.2786471 1.0000000 5.075049 5.162554 3.068000 3.196795
201809 2.995079 3.000000 1.3001620 1.0000000 5.022497 5.323853 3.113970 3.087066
201810 3.000000 3.000000 1.2880070 1.1975554 5.075049 5.272973 3.036429 3.465295
201811 2.969947 2.883912 1.1878090 1.0000000 5.075049 5.000339 3.056169 3.058216
201812 3.000000 2.980844 1.3542874 1.2046406 5.098937 5.000339 3.033847 3.076178
201901 2.969947 2.969947 1.2880070 1.1906530 5.143975 5.306211 3.060074 3.143794
201902 2.793575 2.768439 1.1976033 1.0572500 4.381966 4.700791 3.014273 3.045013
201903 2.816437 2.864411 1.2880070 1.0133870 4.583594 4.450937 3.002415 3.080776
201904 2.598124 2.693518 1.1111110 1.0000000 4.035463 4.546977 3.009228 3.039631
201905 2.453082 2.593332 1.0304210 1.0000000 3.999662 4.583594 2.987517 3.028864
201906 2.670152 2.662437 1.0365318 1.0000000 4.872115 4.891215 3.029801 3.081023
201907 2.590599 2.579366 1.0031077 1.0000000 4.534411 4.937747 2.939522 3.022346
201908 2.414449 2.501432 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.374343 4.828501 2.912732 2.983591
201909 2.483634 2.374794 1.0000000 0.7932609 4.140936 4.320539 2.968139 3.005824
201910 2.330186 2.378875 1.0000000 1.0000000 3.819017 4.450937 2.975578 3.019154
201911 2.347553 2.521351 1.0000000 1.0000000 4.000000 4.348736 2.958856 3.011095
201912 2.527644 2.537525 1.0190988 1.0000000 4.500498 4.906164 2.998355 3.033857
202001 2.495654 2.537525 1.0754316 1.0000000 4.319292 4.642408 2.978672 3.074896
202002 2.537525 2.588671 1.1703846 1.0000000 4.068836 4.381966 2.968435 3.148808
202003 2.537525 2.399339 0.2304544 0.5961290 5.310169 5.011864 2.976225 3.006708
202004 2.623311 2.623311 0.0000000 1.0000000 6.000000 5.657888 3.015135 3.149133
202005 3.000000 2.610335 0.4530818 0.6104578 6.414917 5.730984 4.064553 3.322808
202006 2.681402 2.473736 0.7317622 0.9928851 5.688994 5.086316 3.411253 3.065711
202007 2.887446 2.731703 0.8862122 1.0000000 6.000000 5.500000 3.144694 3.259721
202008 3.000000 2.980844 1.0000000 1.0000000 6.000000 5.760430 3.803460 3.180833
202009 2.980844 2.742111 1.0000000 0.9135693 5.874006 5.344923 3.441661 3.251740
202010 2.836102 2.702108 1.0000000 1.0000000 6.000000 5.191454 3.416837 3.437079
202011 2.962508 2.819740 1.0000000 1.0000000 5.944291 5.774719 3.494121 3.376649
202012 3.000000 2.980844 1.2811244 1.0000000 6.000000 5.904644 4.307177 3.199938
202101 3.046670 3.028186 1.5581499 1.1878090 6.754469 6.000000 4.548024 4.016052
202102 3.090884 3.000000 1.5469180 1.1869305 6.146096 6.000000 4.578317 4.374958
202103 3.244256 3.092952 1.8534898 1.4624749 6.280352 6.297847 4.920812 4.674566
202104 3.360180 3.098045 1.9892329 1.4624749 6.235626 6.310134 4.620441 4.307381
202105 4.000000 3.569710 2.3525007 1.8115404 8.200266 6.645209 5.261723 4.963713
202106 4.801745 3.546918 2.4637444 1.3498780 8.529976 6.973494 5.481582 4.751600
202107 4.842451 3.711669 2.5060110 1.5811223 8.452378 8.000000 5.410090 4.857979
202108 5.179827 3.999662 2.7170422 1.3798504 8.729171 7.763283 5.816178 4.947668
202109 5.310169 4.193985 2.6700342 1.7182721 8.713920 7.656233 5.522046 4.965563
202110 5.653467 4.211177 2.6414132 1.4647722 9.265794 8.385000 6.816117 5.031971
202111 6.000000 4.011200 3.0154593 1.0130244 9.733616 8.000000 7.233366 5.177737
202112 5.990274 4.000000 3.0000000 1.0285025 9.283830 7.785626 7.025210 4.854648
202201 5.788440 3.477248 2.6233110 0.1733402 9.298556 6.793561 7.118849 4.476177
202202 6.000000 3.774802 3.0095823 0.5622389 9.661465 7.141932 7.452888 4.724739

Now let me format the dates properly to treat these data as a time series.

Inflation.Expectations %<>%
  rename(date = 1) %>% 
  mutate(date = yearmonth(parse_date_time(date, orders = "%Y%m")))

That’s pretty much all that is required to visualize them. Let’s have a look. I will use the fpp3 library and autoplot().

## ── Attaching packages ──────────────────────────────────────────── fpp3 0.4.0 ──
## ✓ tsibbledata 0.3.0     ✓ fable       0.3.1
## ✓ feasts      0.2.2
## ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────────────────── fpp3_conflicts ──
## x lubridate::date()        masks base::date()
## x magrittr::extract()      masks tidyr::extract()
## x dplyr::filter()          masks stats::filter()
## x kableExtra::group_rows() masks dplyr::group_rows()
## x tsibble::intersect()     masks base::intersect()
## x tsibble::interval()      masks lubridate::interval()
## x dplyr::lag()             masks stats::lag()
## x magrittr::set_names()    masks purrr::set_names()
## x tsibble::setdiff()       masks base::setdiff()
## x tsibble::union()         masks base::union()
Inflation.Expectations %>% 
  as_tsibble(index=date) %>% 
  autoplot(`Median three-year ahead expected inflation rate`) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=Inflation.Expectations$`Median one-year ahead expected inflation rate`, color="red")) +
  hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum() + guides(color = "none")

Now let me pretty the plot.

Inflation.Expectations %>% 
  select(1:3) %>% 
  pivot_longer(c(2:3)) %>%
  mutate(Variable = name) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=date, y=value, color=Variable)) +
  geom_line(size=2) +
  scale_color_viridis_d(option="C") +
  hrbrthemes::theme_ft_rc() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(y="Inflation Expectations", 
       title="New York Fed Inflation Expectations",
       caption = "data:")